Jumat, 13 Oktober 2017

⟹⟹⟹⟹Hallo!!!! my name is TEGUH ADE PANGESTU on this blog i will tell you about my dream that so i want⟸⟸⟽⟽


     I am very grateful today for the grace of GOD who has given me the breath to run my dream, my dream is to become a trading business, this is my dream dream I want, the dream that I crave and with this dream make me must semngat menjalini my day so that one day it will be a dream that every day I pray is I want to raise my parents Hajj is my biggest dream and my ambition to be able to realize this dream may be too heavy but I believe with me now will be realized later, and this is where I will struggle for my dreams, maybe this is my dream that I will perjuangin from now, the small dreams that have been realized is that I can make myself independent of the results of my parents, I am also proud to be in a family environment mutual support and mutual embrace, this makes me confident of my dream dream


Jumat, 06 Oktober 2017

Let the Pictures Talk


Festival Meriam Karbit yang merupakan agenda tahunan menjelang akhir bulan Ramadhan atau bertepatan dengan malam menyambut Idul Fitri 1438 Hijriah kembali digelar di Pontianak Kalimantan Barat.

Saat ini persiapan yang dilakukan oleh masing-masing kelompok hampir selesai. Sekretaris Forum Meriam Karbit Kota Pontianak, Barry Shilmon mengatakan, peresmian dimulainya Festival Meriam Karbit pada tahun ini akan dipusatkan di Gang Kamboja pinggiran Sungai Kapuas.

Festival Meriam Karbit ini akan diikuti 44 kelompok dengan jumlah keseluruhan 259 meriam karbit. ada empat kriteria penilaian dalam festival yang rutin digelar setiap malam Idul Fitri ini.

"Yaitu dari bunyi meriam, motif meriam, kebudayaan yang ditampilkan serta dekorasinya. Sedangkan total hadiah yang akan diperebutkan senilai Rp 39 juta,
Ini bisa dijadikan nilai budaya tersendiri bagi kota pontianak


Festival Carbide cannon which is an annual agenda towards the end of Ramadan or coincides with the evening welcoming Idul Fitri 1438 Hijriah again held in Pontianak, West Kalimantan.

Currently preparations made by each group are almost complete. Secretary of Pontianak Carbide Carrier Forum, Barry Shilmon, said the inauguration of the Carnival Carbide Festival this year will be centered in the Cambodian Gang of the Kapuas River.

Carbide cannon Festival will be followed 44 groups with a total of 259 carbide cannon. there are four assessment criteria in the festival that is held every night this Eid al-Fitr.

"That is from the sound of cannons, motifs of cannons, the culture is displayed and the decoration.While the total prize to be contested worth Rp 39 million,
This can be a separate cultural value for the city pontianak


 West Kalimantan Provincial Museum was pioneered since 1974 by West Kalimantan Provincial Office of the Provincial Office of West Kalimantan through the Rehabilitation and Expansion Project of West Kalimantan Museum. The functionalization was inaugurated on October 4, 1983 by the Director General of Culture of the Department of Education and Culture, since then the West Kalimantan Provincial Museum was opened to the public. There are four sections working in this museum, namely section of education, institutional, collection, equipment. Museums usually hold exhibitions of paintings that are displayed in the lobby of the museum. Usually also hold a careful race every year, painting and mading competitions. As for the efforts undertaken so that people, especially school children know that the importance of culture, the museum held a socialization event. There is also a museum entrance to the school.This museum stores the Geographic / Geologika collection in the form of maps and types of rocks; collections of biologics, archeology, historica, numismatics, and ceramics in the form of jars, plates, bowls, spoons, etc. which comes from China, Vietnam, Japan, Europe, and Singkawang local ceramics. In addition to displaying the existing collections in the Permanent Exhibition Room I, West Kalimantan Provincial Museum also displays replica and miniature collections that are in the plaza Anchor of foreign merchant vessels.Museum activities include exhibitions, guidance to visitors, papers, conservation / collection preparation, surveys, collection procurement, lectures, workshops, socialization, discussion, research, painting competitions, intelligent,From the dayak custom which seemed scary, switch to the Malay customary collection of Pontianak. One word spoken from the buda'-buda 'pontianak (buda'-buda': the call of friends or peer group) is 'GLAMOR'. Why say glamor? Because of the collection in this museum of Malay culture in pontianak associated with luxury items such as gramophone, a complete musical instrument commonly used jazz musicians and gold fabrics and jewelry that make the glare of the eye. Shown also how glamor is a marriage customs of Malay community equipped with rituals that accompany it. The most prominent and memorable betangas culture that until now is still entrenched, including steam bath to clean the dirt before marriage.


Museum Provinsi Kalimantan Barat dirintis sejak tahun 1974 oleh Kantor Wilayah Depdikbud Provinsi Kalimantan Barat melalui Proyek Rehabilitasi dan Perluasan Permuseuman Kalimantan Barat. Fungsionalisasinya diresmikan pada tanggal 4 Oktober 1983 oleh Direktur Jenderal Kebudayaan Depdikbud, sejak itu Museum Provinsi Kalimantan Barat dibuka untuk umum. Ada empat seksi yang bekerja di museum ini, yaitu seksi edukasi , kelembagaan, koleksi ,peralatan. Museum biasanya mengadakan pameran lukisan yang di tampilkan di selasar museum. Biasanya juga mengadakan lomba cerdas cermat setiap tahun , melukis dan lomba mading. Adapun usaha yang dilakukan supaya masyarakat terutama anak sekolah mengetahui bahwa pentingnya budaya, maka museum mengadakan kegiatan sosialisasi. Ada juga kegiatan museum masuk sekolah.
Museum ini menyimpan di antaranya koleksi Geografika/Geologika berupa peta dan jenis batu-batuan; koleksi biologika, arkeologika, historika, numismatika, dan keramologika berupa tempayan, piring, mangkuk, sendok, dll. yang berasal dari China, Vietnam, Jepang, Eropa, dan keramik lokal Singkawang. Selain menampilkan koleksi yang ada di Ruangan Pameran Tetap I, Museum Provinsi Kalimantan Barat juga menampilkan koleksi replika dan miniatur yang berada di plaza Jangkar kapal dagang asing.
Aktivitas Museum meliputi pameran, bimbingan kepada pengunjung, karya tulis, konservasi/preparasi koleksi, survei, pengadaan koleksi, ceramah, sarasehan, sosialisasi, diskusi, penelitian, lomba lukis, cerdas cermat, dll.
Dari adat dayak yang terkesan seram, beralih ke koleksi adat melayu Pontianak. Satu kata yang terucap dari buda’-buda’ pontianak (buda’-buda’: panggilan teman-teman atau sekolompok orang sebaya) yaitu ‘GLAMOUR’. Kenapa dikatakan glamour? Karena dari koleksi yang ada di museum ini kebudayaan melayu di pontianak dikaitkan dengan barang-barang mewah semacam gramofon, alat musik yang lengkap yang biasa digunakan musisi-musisi jazz serta kain-kain emas dan perhiasan yang membuat silau mata. Ditunjukkan pula betapa glamournya suatu adat pernikahan masyarakat melayu yang dilengkapi dengan ritual-ritual yang mengiringinya. Yang paling menonjol dan berkesan yakni budaya betangas yang hingga kini masih membudaya, antara lain mandi uap untuk membersihkan kotoran sebelum menikah.


Do you know? This thing will be very easy lo break if there is only one fruit. But, what if you try to break a broom stick that is so thick? It must be very difficult, tuh. Just try it. But, from this incident you can learn a thing. In this world, you will feel weak if you live alone. Another case if lo often bersosialiasi and have many acquaintances. Obviously, you will feel stronger because you are helping each other. What happens if you live without socializing? Your life will be like a broken stick. Lo will only be a weak person and in the future will be difficult to live this hard life. So, start multiplying acquaintances from now on!


Tau lidi, kan? Benda ini akan sangat mudah lo patahkan kalau hanya ada satu buah. Tapi, apa jadinya kalau lo berusaha mematahkan satu sapu lidi yang sebegitu tebalnya? Pasti susah banget, tuh. Coba aja deh. Tapi, dari kejadian ini lo bisa belajar suatu hal. Di dunia ini, pasti lo akan merasa lemah kalau hidup sendirian. Lain halnya kalau lo sering bersosialiasi dan punya banyak kenalan. Pastinya, lo akan merasa lebih kuat karena kalian saling membantu sama lain. Apa jadinya kalau lo hidup tanpa mau bersosialisasi? Hidup lo akan seperti lidi yang dipatahkan tadi. Lo hanya akan menjadi seseorang yang lemah dan ke depannya bakal kesulitan menjalani kerasnya kehidupan ini. So, mulailah perbanyak kenalan dari sekarang 


Maybe some of you already know this philosophy. But I will discuss again here, yes just wrote a reminder. The driver I mean can be any vehicle, which is important to ride something. Lo ever merhatiin people who just drive? They are always together when on the road, but actually they have different goals. Some go to home, school, food, and so forth. In essence, there are times where they are together, but in the end they will split up.Just like our life, gan. Since elementary school, we are always together to study. But, unwittingly, in the future we will go to a different place. No way we all have the same dream, certainly different from each other. This is the philosophy of riders, that we are indeed walking together but different goals. It can also be a learning to not rely on others continuously. There are times when we have to live independently, without leaning our weight on others.


Mungkin sebagian dari lo udah tau filosofi ini. Tapi gue akan bahas lagi di sini, ya anggep aja reminder lah. Pengendara yang gue maksud bisa kendaraan apa pun, yang penting mengendarai sesuatu. Lo pernah merhatiin orang yang baru berkendara? Mereka selalu bersama-sama ketika di jalan, tapi sebenernya mereka punya tujuan yang berbeda-beda. Ada yang ke rumah, sekolah, cari makan, dan lain sebagainya. Intinya, ada saat di mana mereka bersama, namun pada akhirnya mereka akan berpisah.

Sama seperti hidup kita, gan. Sejak duduk di bangku SD, kita selalu bersama-sama menuntut ilmu. Tapi, tanpa disadari, ke depannya kita akan menuju tempat yang berbeda. Gak mungkin kita semua mempunyai impian yang sama, pastinya berbeda satu sama lain. Inilah filosofi pengendara, bahwa kita memang berjalan bersama-sama tetapi berbeda tujuan. Ini juga bisa menjadi pembelajaran untuk gak bergantung pada orang lain terus menerus. Ada kalanya kita harus hidup secara mandiri, tanpa menyandarkan beban kita pada orang lain.

Kamis, 05 Oktober 2017


HALLO GUYS!! my name is Teguh Ade PANGESTU . I am a Muslim. my nickname is teguh yaps . I live kota baru, west kalimantan.

about my education history, I attended elementary school 16 pontianak then continue to higher levelthat is junior high school in Madrasah tsanawiyah 2  and go to senior high school in senior highschool countrys 7 west kalimantan. I am a lazy student, why? because I never participated in Scout activities. but I know it is fun and educational. after graduating senior high school i feel sorry not
my hobbies futsal, yes afutsal guy it must be practiced hobby jam it my hobby photo is not also a hobyy but can like to implement this from smp,,, yaa i stop because facilities les photographs because camera sold hehe, understand the need that are not kompahi, honestly actualy firts want to etnter in IKJ( INSTIRURKESENIAN JAKARTA)  maybe this who can mea smapai it abaoud biodata me, a am only imperfect human